Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Waiting Summer

Let me tell you what happened Tuesday on my way to Wednesday!!! I wasn't feeling real well Tuesday afternoon. By 5p I was in too much pain to refuse going to the emergency ward. Well, yes,  I had a problem. I had appendicitis!! Yes, at 63 I am having my very first real surgery and it is an appendectomy. I couldn't believe it, but by that time I didn't care. By the time I got into the emergency room, I was begging for something for the pain. You all know what a woos I am, so it was probably just a little thang, but to me I HURT! Anyway, they gave me a shot of delaudid! mmmmmmm, I could feel it taking over my body. Starting from the IV in my arm, up my shoulder, thru my chest, and I'm saying "come on, come on, get down there!" Well, it did, and Iwas gone!! I don't remember much even after the surgery. Apparently, I don't do well with anesthetic, so I was out of it the entire next day! But, I was released and all is well now. I'm feeling much much better and also out of pain! Everywhere!! Down side is that I had planned a bar-b-q for some friends on Sunday. Well, Nan said, I wouldn't be ready by then so I should cancel. I argued with her for about 10 sec and relented. So I cancelled it and am i glad! i was not ready!

Continuing the saga. After Nan got back from Nebraska, Carol and Diane took us to a Wildlife Sanctuary in Hudson, Co. It was designed for abused lions and tigers and bears. Some wolves were there also. The people were on a raised walkway so they were above the animals and could view them as they roamed free within their 3-6 acre enclosures. They are fed regularly however, everything else is as it is in the wild. They form prides, social structure, etc. They looked quite comfortable as we walked the 2 mile ramp. They have individual bio's of each animal and what abuse they went thru before they came to the sanctuary. It was hot, but well worth the effort and time to see these beasts in their own environment!
We left Loveland and our friends Carol and Diane's. It's the greatest campground in the area. They are fantastic people and their home is also pretty fantastic. We headed down toward Denver where we were going to park the rig and stay with extended family. We decided to take the rig back to the mechanic on Monday. They had to replace the sender unit but didn't have the part in til now. It only took about 30 minutes and all was well with Thelma. Or so we thought! We parked the rig on a small ranch in Dacono, Co and went to spend a month with Connie, my sister-in-law. As always, we forgot a few things, so we went back to the rig a few days later and found the refrigerator was off and there was no battery! I checked the propane, it was half full. I checked the batteries, the cells were all full. Yet there was absolutely no power, we couldn't even get the genny going, and we had almost a full tank of gas! WHAT NOW??? We went out there because we got a recall notice in the mail for the refrigerator and went to check out the serial number and model #. It was on the list, "important! turn off refrigerator, unplug it, call immediately for repair." Uh oh, I'd noticed it was running a bit funny lately, always running, using more amps than normal. I was a bit apprehensive about leaving it on. As for the batteries, I have no idea what that is about. we got permission to plug into a 20amp outlet and let the batteries charge. Tomorrow, we are going out to see what's up with them.
Another thing, I was supposed to have dental work done on Wednesday, today! Well, because of the appendectomy, they cancelled it. Since we are leaving the area on Aug. 1, I don't know if I'll be able to get in before we leave. It is a 3 hour appointment and I doubt they'll have anything before we leave. soooo, we are WAITING again, but I'll probably just have to wait til next summer to take care of all that.
Well, gang, not sure what's going to happen again, but I'm sure there'll be something come up on our WAITING list before we leave for Bryce!!
Til then.......

1 comment:

  1. Poor, Poor Kath and poor Thelma. Hope the refrig and power gets fixed.
