Thursday, June 21, 2012

The End is Near!!!

YIPPEEEE! Hooray!! ZAP! BANG! All Right!!!!
So what's all the excitement about??? Thelma is Cured!!
I get to pick her up at the hospital tomorrow!! There is a good and a bad that goes along with that. It will be GOOD to get into our own home. I will be bad to be in that home in 98 degree heat!! oh, well, it's still good to have her back. We will be so glad to get back into normal mode. We will be FREE!! We will still be staying here in Colorado as I have some dental work I need to get done. I'm hoping I can get it over with by the 16th or 17th of July because there is a pickleball tournament in Ogden, Utah that I'd love to play in. It'll be a wait and see proposition tho.
Not only will Thelma be out of the hospital and cured, but Nan will be back next Tuesday! HALLELUJA!!!!! She's been in Nebraska visiting her sister and mom for 2 weeks. As most of you might think, I have been perfectly fine during her absence. I have washed 2 loads of my own clothes, I have fixed dinner a couple  of times (sandwiches the other times), and even fed and took care of Trav! See, I'm not quite as helpless as you all thought I was! Course, I'd sure rather have Nan around.
Since my last post, I have been staying with a friend in Lakewood and it has been quite comfortable. Lee has been extremely tolerant and inviting while I've been here and has even come up with a few small projects to take up some time. I love projects!!
Almost forgot! Went to a puppy party the other day. Hmmmmm well, all I can say is this is definitely NOT population control!! A friend of Lee's is a breeder for chocolate labs. She wanted a litter, but got a bevy of little brown puppies!! Can you guess how many there are?? yes, 10!! wow!! what a bundle!
I also wanted to express my talents as far as being able to take care of myself (even if it isn't for very long). I, ME, this is myself cooking, grilling, pork cutlets, asparagus and portabello mushrooms, all at the same time, and all on one grille!! It was FANTASTIC! and yes, i DO say so myself!!

Well, till next time, you all imagine hugs from both of us. Hope all is well wherever you are. Will be back soon!

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