Saturday, May 26, 2012

Well, guess an update is in order. After my last blog, i got a scathing email from my sister and she is now submitting papers to have me committed! Soooo, for fear of losing my mobility, we have decided to try once again to find someone to build a 100 gal. gas tank for our 8 year old rig!! LOL. we decided to stay in Colorado trying to deal with our gas tank dilemma. We found another trucking company who is going to try to find someone to build a tank, we are still waiting for an estimate and timeline. We also called our mechanic in Surprise to find out the dangers of driving it as it is. The answer was that if we drove it very ''SOFTLY" we might be ok. Unfortunately, on U.S. roads that is quite a challenge, and probably not at all possible. Our plans for the summer have now changed. Nan is flying back to Nebraska, and I am staying in Colorado to babysit the rig. We are still planning on being able to get to Bryce Canyon by the 8th of August or sooner. Don't worry Kevin, we are making it quite clear we are to be there and we have everyone involved working at top speed to get us on the road by then. The mechanic we are working with now has found someone who does build gas tanks, we are just waiting for a quote and time estimate. Hopefully, we will hear by Tuesday. More updates will come then.
While we are here, I have played in 2 indoor pickleball tournaments. We have seen friends we haven't seen for 20 years! It's been great running into them (and no, i didn't hurt them). I was, however, warned NOT to hug too tightly. Dang, it's a bitch getting older! We are taking the time to visit old friends and seeing some of the new things around Colorado since we've been gone.
We went to a graduation party for a niece (my adopted family) the other day. I knew those kids since they were babies and now they are grandparents! I don't know what they are doing, but I sure haven't gotten as old as they have. What a gutt punch! How can I be that old?
Yesterday, I received word that my sister has probably had one of her houses burned (Pike Lake fire in Michigan's Upper Peninsula). They are waiting to hear for sure if it was one of the structural fatalities around the lake. They also have another house on Lake Superior which is in the direction the fire is moving. They are on the list of evacuations, but have not been told to leave as yet. We are praying for it to rain and help control the fire which has taken 22,000 acres so far. Seems the whole country is in a high fire danger area since the lack of snow and rain this past winter. The unusual heat has also contributed to the extremely dry areas.
We'll let you all know how things are going, and want to let you know we are thinking of you all. Hope everyone is doing well and no disasters are happening where you are.
Hugs, Big Hugs, and to those who just can't take it (BJ!), little hugs!!!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. It took you how many years to listen to me? I'm so glad you did and are making arangements to get your house fixed. I didn't need to be worring about you and nan and trav while I am also worring about my houses burning down. Just one fire is enought!!! We got to go and see the Pike Lake house last night and all is intact with no visible signs of damage. The fire was contained just 600 ft from the house. The wind has shifted and the Paradise house is no longer in danger. Thanks for your prayers. My prayers have been answered with your change of plans for the rig.
    little sis
