Monday, May 21, 2012

Loveland, Colorado in May

Well, guess it's time to update! We have been here in Loveland, Co since the 3rd of May. We left Salt Lake City all fixed up and ready to travel! OOOPS!  There's a leak! Oh, No! It's NOT from the levelers, it's from the GAS TANK!! Ok, so, I call a truck repair shop in Denver, "Sure, we can fix that. Bring it in and we'll check it out!" Hooray! We take it in, and before i even get myself organized, they tell me they CAN'T fix it. Color me a bit miffed. They say, "Cummins in Commerce City can do it." I call Cummins and go over there with the rig. I explain there is a pinhole in the gas tank on the bottom where it sits on the chassis bar. They take it in for 4 days! When i come back, they tell me that there is a leak in the bottom of the tank and they don't know if it can be repaired or will have to be replaced. They are now talking to Monaco to get a new one. Hold your horses! Monaco doesn't have anything for a rig that old!! 8 years?? So, now they are going to find out if one can be built. Answer is "they don't have them in production anymore." So the next step is to have one built. But, Monaco hasn't been able to find plans to build one!! This is getting very very exciting now! NOT! I've also been given a number of about $5,000 to $6,000. After getting myself all worked up and livid, i call our local repair place. Massey Diesel is in Surprise, AZ. They say "If it's a tank that can be pulled out of the doors on the side, it will be about $500!! Soooooo, we have decided to leak across the country and wait til we get  back to Happy Trails to have it fixed. Thankfully, it is a diesel, so it isn't a fire hazard. And, it is a very small leak at this point, so we won't be losing fuel along the way except for some drops along the way. We have to put down a cardboard under where it is leaking, but it isn't like we are losing gallons a day. Don't ya just love mechanics?
While we were here, I've played in a tournament in Ft. Collins and will be playing another in Lakewood this Saturday. We've been thoroughly enjoying our stay with Carol and Diane and their dogs. They have a wonderful deck and a great hot tub for pickleball fever. We enjoy our happy hour and coffee on the deck with a wonderful view of a small forrest out back with foxes, elk and their 2 horses. Trav LOVES the huge yard he gets to play in, and their 2 dogs, Chinook (golden retriever) and Bonnie (????). Chinook is involved in agility and we've gone to a couple of trials.

it was pretty fun to see the difference between what the human wants and what the dogs want! At least there are plenty of chuckles. but the dogs are fun to watch and see how they tear around the courses and jump for joy when they pass the finish line. We've also enjoyed visiting some of our friends that we haven't seen in a few years. We had dinner with friends we haven't seen in 10 years and it was like we had never been away. What a delight to spend time with them. Nan is doing well, she has fallen in love with Kindle and has read a whole library i think. She is also in charge of the yard work and has spent time tending weeds and flowers. She also has spent some time cleaning the rig and reorganizing inside. We are intending to leave here late next week and head to Nebraska where nan's mom and sister are. We'll visit with them for a spell then head to Michigan. I'll update you all as we go, but hope everyone is having a great summer. Have heard from some of you and it sounds like things are going along pretty good. Hugs to all our friends!!

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