Thursday, April 26, 2012

Enjoying the Grand Canyon!

Well, we made it to St. George. Had a wonderful visit at the Grand Canyon. No, we did NOT go to the bottom!!! I took many pictures of the bottom, does that count?? After all is said and done, I have 400 pictures to go thru!! One of the things I was absolutely enthralled with were the California Condors. They were just awesome. Very large, very ugly, but such beautiful flight!! After leaving Grand Canyon, we headed toward St. George. We decided to take 89A and we were quite pleased that we did. We had not taken 89A since 2004 and had forgotten what a boondockers paradise it was. We found a great place in the trees all alone with tons of room for the trav to run, and run he did. He loves the cooler weather. It was in the low 70's and he loved it. We enjoyed it so much, we decided to stay another nite. Nan had such a hard time sleeping because it was soooooooo quiet!! I loved it. No fan noise, no street noise, no coyotes howling, it was heaven. Here are a few shots for you to enjoy along with us.

1 comment:

  1. Wish we were there!! We arrived home today and it already doesn't seem like we were gone for 6 months. 48 degrees and kind of gloomy and windy. Good luck at the tourney...
