Thursday, April 19, 2012

Beginning Our 10th Year on the Road!

It's our 10th anniversary on the road and we are heading out tomorrow, Friday, April 20, 2012. We are excited and sad. We have enjoyed our winter at our new park and have made some great friends. Our neighbors are fantastic, our friends are awesome, and our lives have been perfect this winter. Nan has gotten into different projects and has enjoyed getting to do different things. She began with ceramics and has some of her projects packed to work on during the summer. She has also discovered the Happy Trails Wal-Mart (the dumpsters!) She has saved a gorgeous oak glider and an old fashioned rocking chair. She has refinished and restored both of them to gorgeous pieces. Kath has been killing herself playing pickleball, realizing that next year, she needs to learn to ration herself before she completely burns out. I will try to get posts out as often as possible. We plan on stopping at the Grand Canyon on our way north. After 3 nites there, we will head to St. George for a pickleball tourney for 2 days. Afterwards, heading to Salt Lake City to get a bin door repaired on Thelma. She doesn't like looking injured, so we have to get her fixed up pretty! After that, we'll head to Colorado for a month, Nebraska for a month and on to Michigan. We're looking forward to a great summer. Hope all have a great summer too and be safe!

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