Thursday, August 2, 2012

We're HERE!!!

Well, we finally made it to Bryce. We got here on Monday, but didn't start working until today, Thursday. Which actually worked out pretty good since we had a water problem and I ended up having to take off the whole panel on the water system bin. We took apart the check valve and messed with it. Thought we were going to have to get a new part, but after much swearing (ohhhh, you know I don't swear!!) we finally got it to unstick. We left it for a few hours, and it did work. So, put that whole thing back together. Of course, they don't make anything easy to get to. And I only had 2 screws left over!!!  Must be a success!!! We aren't getting much water pressure, but without the regulator, the pressure is way too high. So, either blow the pipes, or just run around in the shower!! It's such a big shower to run around in. We didn't have any incidents on the way here, so that was a plus. So far, so good!! Our satelite even works!!! Last year, we couldn't get a signal, but we are in a different spot, and there is a wee little hole that is just perfect for a signal to get thru!  Ahhhhh, but Nan is happy!! We stopped on our way out of Denver at some friends in Avon and had a great visit. Wish we could get more time to visit with them, but you know, retirement is quite the busy time! They just opened a new shop where they are selling equipment and ingredients for making wine and beer. They are quite excited about it, and we wish them the very best of luck.
I've been watching the pickleball tournament results. Congratulations to all who have been participating during the summer. Good luck in upcoming tournaments. I have started to practice now that I have so much time (NOT!) Altho, with 3 days on and 3 days off, I should have some time to watch my videos and practice enuff for my upcoming tournament at Huntsman games.
Am doing fine, and no problems with the apendectomy. Nan keeps hollering at me for lifting, but I don't think I'm lifting all that much. After all, 20 lbs is a lot, isn't it!! Trav weighs in at 21 lbs and he's pretty heavy!! We missed seeing some of our friends in Denver before we left, hopefully we will be able to drop by next summer and say "hey" to them then.
Ok, I'm not sure what I said in the last post as to our ongoing delimna about Thelma. Did I tell you that our refrigerator was recalled after 8 years! Anyway, we took it in and had that part replaced. When we were checking on the fridge for the serial number etc. we found the batteries were deader than a doornail! sooooo, guess what we did next! Yup! We had 4 new batteries put in. We are pretty sure that Thelma should now be Thelma II since she is virtually brand new in most of her parts!
We are looking forward to our stay at Bryce and hope the rain stops soon. We are expecting rain for the next 7 days! today is gorgeous tho, but it is supposed to move in by this afternoon. The temperature is very pleasant compared to the heat in Denver. It gets to the upper 40's at nite and 70's to low 80's during the day. At least until it starts raining. The only thing with the rain is that it also brings terrific thunder and very close lightning. It can get quite dangerous during those storms. If I were camping in a tent, I'd be pretty scared. Maybe the Internationals don't realize how bad it can be. We have a lot of foreigners here, more than americans! Quite fun, trying to interpret what they are saying and for us to get across what we want to tell them. Lots of experience with charades!
Well, all, time to get back to work. Take care and we'll be in touch. oh, BTW, GOOOD LUCK BOOMER!!!!